Local community notices, events, local job vacancies and information for the residents and visitors to Ferryside
Local community notices, events, local job vacancies and information for the residents and visitors to Ferryside
The 3rd Thursday for the month of December (19/12/24) will be another gathering of the ***FERRYFOLK*** - an evening of home grown music ! So on this dark and Wintry day, Why not join with all and play, With fun and songs for lads and lasses, We'll shout "iechyd da !", and raise our glasses. All musicians,...
***RIVER TOWY YACHT CLUB XMAS EVENT SCHEDULE*** As we approach the festive season, RTYC is making arrangments for our members to enjoy some good fun events: - Saturday 21st December - Yacht Club family xmas opening, for all members to come and enjoy. Festive music soundtrack, space for kids to play, an easy relaxed family friendly way...